
Cllr Nicolette Chambers

City Councillor - Chelmsford Rural West

Nicolette Chambers has lived in Chelmsford Rural West for many years. She was first elected to Chelmsford Borough Council in 2003.  

Cllr Janette Potter

City Councillor - Galleywood

Janette has lived in Galleywood for nearly thirty years with her husband and has been honoured to be your Chelmsford Borough Councillor for twenty of those years.

Cllr Ashley John

City Councillor - South Woodham - Chetwood and Collingwood

Keen to improve our community well-being I have served as a South Woodham Ferrers Town Councillor since 2006, and as Chelmsford City Councillor since 2011, and I seek to continue supporting and leading on local initiatives.